Week 1

I started out the week by designing my top sheets. The topsheets are designs that you see on the top of a ski. I wanted them to be memorable so I created roughly ten designs that me and my brother would be able to pick from. I found photos that I had taken on vacations of mountains and fields and decided to give them a shot. They did not come out how I wanted, so I decided to take a photos off the internet that reminded me of things that I have experienced. I sent the designs to a company that prints out topsheets and they are currently in the process of printing them. 

Once I had everything set with my topsheets I was finally ready to start designing and building the ski. I started out by learning how to cut bases using the cnc machine. The cnc machine has a replaceable bit and while cutting the bases I used a razor bit. Once the bases are fully cut they need to have edges glued onto them. I have a roll of ski edge that I cut sections out of to perfectly fit the length of my skis. Once the edges are cut I have to bend them to fit the curve of the ski. Once they are perfectly bent I am finally able to clap them to the base and use super glue to ensure that they stay in the perfect position. I had multiple fails while cutting the bases and edges which taught me to always double check my work. 

The final thing that I did last week was learn how to cut the wooden cores using the cnc machine. Before the cores are cut they need to have sidewalls glued onto them. The sidewalls are the side of the ski above the edge. They are extremely important for the overall structure and maintaining the width. Once I had everything glued I was finally able to start cutting the core into the correct shape. The process of cutting the core is significantly more difficult than cutting the base. It also takes up alot more time. My father already had everything programmed so all I needed to learn was how to set up the core to be cut and how to make sure the program was set up properly to ensure that everything happened safely.



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