Week 2

 I continued to carve out ski cores this week. I had roughly 7 finished going into the week and I will eventually need to create 12. The process of cutting the cores using the cnc machine is extremely difficult and it was never exactly planned. I have cut four different cores and every single time I have had something go wrong. My most recent complication was that the drill bit was overused and dull. It was not able to cut properly so it jumped around whenever forced to cut something. Using the cnc machine is by far my least favorite part of the project but it is extremely important because it basically creates most of the ski. 

I have had issues with getting the top sheets that I made at the very beginning of my project. The order keeps on getting delayed because the company that I bought them through ran out of materials. They arrive this friday but this means that I am going to be forced to work through the weekend. I was able to create my dads ski because we are using wood veneer to design the top. This allowed me to learn how to layer and mold a ski before I have to do my own. I learned how to cut the fiberglass, combine the core with the nose and tail piece, and layer everything together with epoxy. Once everything is layered I am able to put it in the press. The skis stay in the press for roughly 12 hours to ensure that the epoxy dries properly.

Once the top sheets came I was finally able to start working on my skis. I started by making sure that both of my cores are even and making sure that all of the other materials that I am going to use match up. Once I was curtain that all of the materials were perfect I was finally able to start layering the skis. I am so happy with how the top sheets turned out. I had to wait eight hours before I could start taking my skis out of the press. They came out perfect and everything was lined up perfect.


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